Monday, November 10, 2008

First Post - Full Summary...

Hi All,

I would like to write a full detailed description of what I have experienced in the past six months starting probably around May of 2008.

My background... I am a naturalized US citizen and have lived in the US since the age of one. I have been a law abiding citizen and one that has always been fighing adversity throughout my life. I have never commited any crimes and have an absolute clean criminal history.

I was fortunate enough to work in a very lucrative industry and started my own company a few years ago that has materialized and is now a leading company in our tight industry.

I live my life with the highest ethics and morals. I keep only good human beings close to me. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have many true life-long friends.

Sometime in May 2008, I started to feel spied on. I noticed noises at my bedroom window as well as flashing of lights and laser beams every time I attempted to sleep. At this point, I had no idea what it was and just kind of blew it off. After 3 weeks of this continuous behavior day after day and night after night, I was alarmed and moved out to a friends place. It was good for about 2 days and then it all started again. This time it escalated to not just the lights, but cars driving continuously and loudly around the block almost like taunting me. Then I left that place to go to anther friends place and it continued but got even worse. I notice the same cars following me everywhere I went. Also, I started to get random people yelling at me on the street for no appearant reason. I finally moved to Santa Monica and have my own place. Quiet and peaceful for two days and all started again and agressiveness increased again. People are always around my car. Same cars circle my block in packs all throughout the night. They park on the streets and in vacant lots around my place. I feel they may have bugged my place. I hear them scrurring around the circumfirence of my place all day and night. I hear them on my roof. I hear them in the crawspace underneath my place. I feel neighbors and businesses around my place are involved.

My actions.

I just recently regained control of my life and doing quite well. I have been journaling every event. I have spoken to harassment and stalking specialist. I have negotiated good rates for private investigators that will counter survellience once I can afford it which will be very soon. I have purchased state of the art survellience camera system that runs 24 hours a day and saves and backs up data in several locations automatically. I have captured incredible evidence and will continue to do so until I have enough to file a full police report. I have started taking pictures of cars and license plates which I will post here. I will also post my surveillence footage.

I have spread the news to so many people now and so many people are involved in helping me end this. I also am fortunate to have close connections with all the media. They are ready to gooble up this story once I can get more evidence and more clips.

Honestly, I just want this to stop. Although I have learned to live and cope with this, I still would like my 4th amendment right back. If this all stops, I will not even want to pursue any further as I believe all the people including the perps are victims. They are being lied to in order for their involvement. The more I read about gang stalking and group stalking, the more I realize everyone is a victim. They tell people around me lies about me to defame my character in order to get their involvement in harassing me.

Anyways, I will continue my blog daily so that I can continue to spead my story. The only reason I would like remain anonymous is for the fact this all ends, I would like to just move on. I won't retaliate against other victims, I will just have my 4th amendment right back.

Please if you have any info that can help me, please respond with advice or just support. I will be posting my pictures and videos shortly.


  1. Jeff: were all of the cars/vans a particular color??

  2. go to can privatly talk to me on my forum page...good luck..very sorry to hear this is happening to you..ive been there...try finding the "souce", time frame where it all point it because if you can find the souce you wont be fighting blind folded...

  3. So the last post was a while ago... any update?
